A modern Jupyter client for Mac

Get coding faster
Faster startup times
than VS Code and JupyterLab
Write prompts like a human,
run them like code
The easiest way to
manage virtual environments
Code faster with intelligent autocomplete
Rewrite code effortlessly with AI Edits
Get the answers you need with
your notebook in context
Generate code inline with
context aware prompt cells
Simple and powerful
Connected to your remote servers
Keep your code bug free
with linting support

Stay organized
with Black code formatting

Find what you are looking for
with code search
Explore millions of datapoints
interactively with Plotly
Copy your graphs and tables
at the click of a button

Clutter free
Stay in flow with a minimalist design

Never forget a shortcut
with the command palette
Stay focused with
truncated errors

Easy setup
Works with all ipynb files,
launched directly from your Finder

Automatically detects existing
kernels and conda environments

No setup needed. Download
the app and start coding.